Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Piedmont High Bird Callers

Don't miss the Piedmont High School Bird Callers on Late Night with David Letterman, Wednesday May 26 at 11:30 PM on CBS.

This contest began in 1963. Here's a link to their web site:


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

BirdLodges.com and the Environment

BirdLodges.com and the Environment

The majority of www.BirdLodges.com products are made from Eastern White Pine. This wood is considered sustainably grown because it is grown in plantation farms in its native Eastern North America.

This pine is the state tree of Michigan and also Maine, where the products are hand made. Eastern White Pine is considered a soft pine which makes it easy to work with.

From the smallest birdhouse (Wren House) to the largest bird feeder (Breadbox Window Feeder), you will enjoy using your Eastern White Pine BirdLodges.com product knowing its “green” environmentally friendly origin.

Resource: www.Wikipedia.org

Sunday, May 16, 2010

BirdLodges.com Bird Watching

I wonder what that hawk, possibly a Red-Shouldered Hawk, was thinking as it sat on a fence post overlooking eight lanes of interstate freeway traffic.

Speaking of hawks, if you are looking for a Kestrel House be sure to check out BirdLodges.com for this and many more wild bird and animal products.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

BirdLodges.com bird watching on Mother's Day

BirdLodges.com goes bird watching on Mother's Day:

And a beautiful morning it was. Cloudy with sprinkles and no wind. Sycamore Grove Park in Livermore, CA is home to a variety of wildlife. Along the Arroyo Del Valle you might see frogs, pond turtles, dragonflies, ducks or even muskrats. In addition to this riparian area there are grassland and oak woodland habitats. Deer, ground squirrels, butterflies, lizards and birds such as red-tail hawks, white-tail kites, scrub jays, magpies and meadowlarks are just few of the animals you might spot in these areas. www.larpd.dst.ca.us/open_space/sycamore.html

Birds observed:

Wood Duck
Turkey Vulture
White Tailed Kite
Red-Shouldered Hawk
American Kestrel
Acorn Woodpecker
Ash-Throated Flycatcher
Scrub Jay
Plain Titmouse
White-Breasted Nuthatch
European Starling
Lesser Goldfinch

This park is full of oak, eucalyptus and sycamore trees with many snags and holes for birds to use for nests. For those who would like to provide habitat for wild birds, BirdLodges.com offers birdhouses for wood ducks, kestrels, woodpeckers, flycatchers, titmouse, nuthatches, wrens and many more.

The next bird watching trip is Sunday, May 16 at 2:00 in Veteran's Park, Livermore, CA.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bird watching, to catch a meadowlark

I'm hoping to catch a glimpse of the meadowlark living in the tree across the street. This bird is singing its heart out!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wild Bird Watching May 2, 2010

Yesterday morning was the first of three bird watching opportunities in Livermore, California. This event was held in the northern part of town in what is commonly known as Springtown. The weather was beautiful as we walked and watched for over two and a half hours.

Birds spotted:

Ducks and Geese - Mallard and Cinnamon Teal

Ducklike Swimmers - American Coot

Seabirds - Gull

Long-legged waders - Black-crowned Night Heron and Green Heron

Smaller Waders - Black-necked Stilt, American Avocet, Wilson's Snipe, Long-billed Dowitcher

Game Birds - Ring-necked Pheasant

Diurnal Raptors - Red-tailed hawk, Cooper's Hawk, American Kestrel

Vultures - Turkey Vulture

Pigeons and Doves - Mourning Dove

Hummingbirds - Anna's Hummingbird

Flycatcher - Black Phoebe

Swallows - Barn Swallow

Corvids - American Crow, Common Raven

Chickadees & Titmice - Bushtit

Mockingbirds - Northern Mockingbird

Thrushes - American Robin

Starlings - European Starlings

Blackbirds - Red-winged Blackbird

Sparrows - Song Sparrow

Finches - Lesser Goldfinch and House Finch

Weaver Finches - House Sparrow

The terrain of this area is flat, open, and grassy with an arroyo with relatively still water. There were several ducklings of all different stages of development. One highlight of the day was to see the Cooper's Hawk quickly chased away by several Red-winged Blackbirds.

We are looking forward to the next events on May 9 and 16.