Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bat houses, mating, and gestation period

Did you know bats will mate prior to winter hibernation and when the females arise in the spring, the gestation period of 50-60 days begins?

The most active time for mating in North America is August, and they are quite the promiscuous mammal!

If you'd like to assist bats by providing a bat house we have a large selection of shapes and sizes.  One of the most important requirements for a successful bat house is the location; it must be exposed to seven or so hours of sunlight to heat the interior of the house.

Our bat houses include literature explaining the bat's natural ability to help control the insect population.

To check out our bat houses visit or click on

Monday, July 16, 2012

Parakeet Antics at the Pet Store

I recently observed ten or so yellow parakeets playing in a cage at a pet store.  They were having the best time playing "keep away" with one yellow feather approximately two inches long.

At one point one of the parakeets was stuck on his back and could not roll over.  Right away most of the other parakeets circled around the one in distress and stood completely still and stared at it.  The bird on the ground was kicking his feet and rolling back and forth trying to right himself.  A couple of the parakeets started to pull on his feathers, something I once witnessed a healthy parakeet do to a sick parakeet - a sign of affection or a sign of "it's over for you now get out of here!"?

Soon enough the parakeet on the ground was up and playing with the others as if nothing had happened. Or not, who knows what lurks in the mind of a revengeful parakeet?