Thursday, October 18, 2012

"Bag It" documentary...think about all the plastic we use.

Recently viewed a documentary titled "Bag It" which goes into great detail regarding the one-use plastic people use and where it ends up.  We highly recommend anyone and everyone watch this film, and I read somewhere that it's free on Netflix.

One particularly touching story is about the plastic which ends up in the ocean and affects all the fish and animals, including the albatross.  The plastic breaks down into minuscule pieces and appears to be fish food for birds and fish.  The movie described it as "plastic soup."

To clean up the plastic in the ocean is daunting if not even possible, but we can think twice before we use plastic, especially for one time usage. And, personally, I would like to see people stop releasing balloons in the air as a tribute to...anything.  It's the same as throwing litter on the ground or in the ocean.  This was not covered in the movie but it's my two cents worth!

Can you think of how you can minimize your use of plastic?

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